Johnny's..our fav's spot

The Tiramisu cake
the birthday's girls

So happy together

Ct, jai with me

Nad & Ain

A Friend is a Treasure
A Friend is a Treasure,
A friend is someone we turn to,

when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in, a better and happier place......

* Happy Birthday to my lovely sis, Ain ( 21.6.09 ) and Ct, Happy belated Birthday ( 20.5.09 )
Stairways to heaven..
Morning assembly
Cabin classesAnd finally the reconstructing began

I've already been in SDBL for almost 6 years..just can't hardly wait to see the new buildings in this school..then i can get a new physics lab....The target is the building will fully completed in early 2011.I still wondering if i still in Batu Pahat at that time.hmmmm....

aisy @ adrian
aisya with aisy

hi little prince...

Nur Addriana Qistina

Paksu with nana

Both of them are new additions in my big family.The cute and adorable little princess is my brother's 1st child..nur addriana qistina bt mohd Idzarif a.k.a nana ( anak kesayangan daddy )and the other little prince is Aisy @ Adrian , my elder sis's son.See how cute they are.....acik ila love both of ya and can't hardly wait for them to grow up..cepatla......
This is what i read from an article and i think it helps me friends,let share the idea...
Things You'll Need:

Step 1
Make the most of the time. There's good things about being in a relationship, healthy one that is. There's also good things about being single. One you have your complete freedom. You can focus more on yourself and work on improving your overall life, than you can when you are in a relationship. A relationship takes a lot of work. Sometimes that work can be stressful. You can't just focus on yourself, you must focus on "us" in the relationship..

Step 2
Be safe from hurt emotions. Any relationship has it's ups and downs. Even great relationships do. Sometimes there's some hurt feelings and a bit of misery that can come along from a relationship. Being single you're safe from this. You don't have to carry the stress from a relationship.

Step 3
Go experience things. Sometimes people feel they're miserable because they aren't in a relationship. Maybe you are down, because you aren't making the most of things. You don't need to rely on a person to make you happy. I don't believe in that philosophy at all. If you're going to have to rely on others to make you feel happy, and not yourself, you're going to be miserable quite a bit in life.

Step 4
Go have some fun. I guess most people who hate being single, don't want to be alone. You're not alone, you have friends and family? If you don't, being in a bad relationship won't get rid of that alone feeling that you carry. Enjoy things you love to do.

Step 5
Go join some kind of club. Being active is a great way to enjoy and benefit from being single. Sitting around a mopping all the time won't make you feel good, no matter what.

Step 6
Be a positive person. I've learn that being positive and having faith REALLY works! Good things do happen in this life. We're our own luck. We make our luck. Be a go-getter, don't just sit and wait for something good to happen. Go and make it happen...

i think that the most important things is our mind actually controls our enjoy every single moments that we had now and always be happy!Don't let ourself be surrounded by anybody that upset us..go girl power!
Cookies samples
caramel's a secret recipe friends..sorry..

pineapple tart..nyum..nyum.

So how i spent my school holidays?So busy baby-sitting both of my niece and nephew,helping my mum with cookies then marking..huhuhuhu..but still enjoying the moments in kampung....

So proud to be the l.o..hehhehe

SJKC Cheng Siu 1&2, Batu Pahat

jai with me

1 mana cukup..... minum milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat!

Abang..saya nak lagi 10

Pasukan Perlis vs P.Pinang
Jai wit rahmah
me with jai..adikku

Kasut baru ku..huhuhuhu
Jurulatih tengah bagi kata-kata perangsang..idup Perlis!!

Dinner dengan kontigen dari negeri Perlis indera kayangan..negeriku tercinta
Yahoo...cuti sekolah tiba lagi.Tapi memikirkan silibus yang belum habis sebab aku ngajar dah macam kura-kura,lepas tu budak-budak pun baru habis midyear so aku terpaksa membatalkan hasrat nak balik kg awal...sorry mama..ila tak boleh balik awal.apa tak nyer, kertas Fizik untuk form 5 ada 3 kertas , kertas 1,2 dan 3.Aku ajar 2 kelas form 5 so total kena marking dekat2 300+,tu belum form 4 lagi.tak kisahla dah nama pun tanggungjawabkan.lagi satu memang seronok marking ni sebab macam2 cara budak2 ni menjawab dan kadang2 sampai aku pun xpenah terfikir.out of the box...sebelum cuti dah ada ura-ura cikgu2 yang kena dilantik untuk jadi L.O bagi Mssm basketball dengan softball tapi awal2 dah jumpa malek cakap tak nak.since nak buat extra class so xpe la xkisah jadi L.O,lagipun aku memang suka benda2 macamni especially yang melibatkan sukan.Jadi aku dengan rasminya dilantik jadi L.O.Aku memilih kontigen dari Perlis...sbb teringin nak jumpa dengan orang senegeri.Memang best sebab tugas L.O ni takla susah,kena jaga kebajikan kontigen2 yang diamanahkan, jadi orang tengah diantara kontigen dengan ajk,urusetia dan kena bantu sekiranya terdapat sebarang masalah.Kontigen basketball dari Perlis yang diketuai En.Chen Tien Kor sampai pada hari Isnin ( 1.6.09 ) so aku kena hantar diaorang ke TiGS dan smk Dato' Syed Isa.Walaupun pada awalnya terdapat sedikit masalah berkaitan dengan bas tapi semuanya dapat di'handle' dengan baik.Memang tabik dengan orang Perlis sebab memang baik,tak memeningkan kepala..i'm so proud with my own state..walaupun tak berjaya melayakkan diri ke semi-final tapi semangat kesukanan yang ditunjukkan oleh pasukan L18 , P12 dan L12 memang superb!!Suka betul tengok dalam team P12 ada sorang ( the only )malay girl, nana.dia nya energy bila main fuyoohh...i think she will have a bright future in this jai , rahmah , tahniah sebab jadi urusetia yang memang best!to all L.O team,kita semua dapat pujian daripada pihak atasan so keep up the good works and love to work with all u guys.Sayang sebab aku tak boleh join dinner last aritu sbb kena balik kg on friday since ada tahlil di melaka lepastu sabtu dah balik kg.rugi2....anyway..Hepi Holiday!