En.kamal n en.Ghani

kereta ku....
Memang cantik pemandangan kat area hutan bakau ni

wah..sapa la tu?

kek harijadi yang ke 19..eh 29thn..huhuhuhu..
( thanx cikgu zaini & k.iza )

Breakfast session



24 -26 Julai 2009 lepas aku, ain, jai dengan melisa berpeluang join Kem Motivasi Kokurikulum SMKDBL di sedili Damai Resort di tg.Sedili, Kota Tinggi.Perjalanan kira amik masa lebih kurang dalam 3 jam sebab aku yang drive..mmg lembable.Budak2 yang sertai kem ni lebih kurang dalam 80 pelajar termasuk beberapa org guru sesi pagi dan petang.Memang enjoy sangat..sebab tempat tu cantik sangat lepas tu bila malam ada barbecue.Tetiba muncul cikgu Kamal & en.Ghani dengan kek birthday.....terharu sangat sebab diaorang datang jauh2 nak celebrate besday aku.huhuhu.dahtu malam tu juga diaorang drive balik ke Bp.Walaupun jauh dari family, bersyukur sangat ada kawan2 yang ingat...Terima kasih kepada semua,adik2 kesayanganku, jai, ain, melisa.My big bro en.Kamal, En.Ghani,en.Zaini,k.iza, en.nan, asmadi n semua.....thanx alot once again.....
Team 2008

Last week i had to make a pre-audition to choose a few students to form a group for the district's aerobic competition that will be held at Bp Mall ( 12.8.09 ).It's quite tiring,but really enjoyable..till now still cannot make any decision yet.Hopefully by next week i can make the selections...girls..make sure all of u ready for the sit-up and the pumping's routines....The best girls will win!!

Since i was a small kid i used to follow my mum to the cooking classes...baking cakes,biscuits,and then it became as one of my hobby..cooking....passionately.i always dream that one day i will become a great chef or open my own bakery..really wish that my passion can turn out to be a very serious matter.But after my SPM,i got the opportunity to matriculation, then completing my degree in Physics with education everything seems so overwhelming.I don't have much time for my passion after working as a physics teacher in bt.pahat.Then i started back everything, where i baked cakes ( caramel cake is a big hit!) then got an order from a few friends.then i tried to sell laksa, roti jala in Bazar Ramadhan in 2006 with a friend of mine K.Lin..( that is one of the most unforgettable experiences , meeting new friends , knowing new things bout business)but lately i try to start a new passion in baking muffins.As a starter i bake blueberry muffin.then chocolate Chips muffin..i just brought them to school and sell them in the staffroom and later for Canteen day in SDBL..and everything sold out.wehooo...still thinking that maybe i can do something with this..mama..thanx for the big oven( europa jetcook system).It's very useful,not only for cakes,biscuits but sometimes i grilled everything in it.I wish that for my upcoming birthday ( this month friends..hahaha..nak hadiah!! ) i can buy a Kenwood"s Mixer.I already surveyed and it costs nearly Rm2000 but it is still ok to use a hand-mixer( no budget lorr).Anyway...my new passion..muffin oh muffin......